
One by one they came to the microphones, some gingerly, some with great gusto, each with a remarkable story to share. The speakers were members of the Asia Society's Asia 21 young leaders program — rising stars from more than 20 nations, representing a kaleidoscope of professional backgrounds.

Bangladesh should go for an integrated branding policy, instead of taking piecemeal steps, as the country is at the crossroads towards higher growth trajectory.The call came at the conclusion of a two-day international conference on Positioning Bangladesh: Branding for Business at Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka yesterday.

During her China tour, Begum Khaleda Zia sought Beijing's assistance in a number of economic projects in Bangladesh, including the second Padma Bridge, although the implementation of the first Padma Bridge is still hanging between certainty and uncertainty due to wrong policies of the ruling Bangladesh Awami League.

US ambassador to Bangladesh Dan Mozena mixes counseling with diplomacy while speaking at any important public forum in Dhaka. His words are usually a blend of advice and compliments, the latter pointing to possibilities on the horizon for Bangladesh.

"The main objective of the exposition is to promote Bangladesh's image, heritage and culture in Malaysia," he added...Besides branding of Bangladesh, the fair will also have special focus on bringing remittances through the banking channel from the Bangladeshis living in Malaysia to help the country receive more remittance flow.

India and Bangladesh share 54 rivers between them. Despite setting up a Joint River Commission for water management as early as 1972, tensions between the countries on how to share resources recently came to a head in a dispute over the Teesta River. At stake are the lives of countless people from West Bengal and Bangladesh who depend upon the river for survival.

As public diplomacy expanded in scope and focus, an ambassador's outreach role also expanded. Besides keeping in touch with various organs of the host government, he found it important to have friendly relations with the local media. He also understood that it was critical to be accepted by the political, intellectual and cultural community of the host country.

If the BCCI gets together with the ministry of external affairs, the potential for track two, or 'doosra' diplomacy can be exploited to the fullest with countries with whom we have outstanding issues. The 'doosra' may well prove more productive than the mainstream efforts of our envoys because it appeals directly to the masses.
