bilateral relations
Ireland must engage in a deeper way with its diaspora in order to prosper in a world of increasing uncertainty, Tim O’Connor, a former senior Irish diplomat, told a gathering of Irish-Americans in Dublin on Tuesday evening. Ahead of Donald Trump’s presidency in the US and the UK’s forthcoming departure from the EU, he said that now was not a moment to be thinking small.
The Indian High Commission will hold a “Festival of India-Matri” from January 25 to March 15, 2017 to commemorate 60 years of a strong bond of friendship between India and Ghana. [...] He said the festival to be held in Accra, Takoradi, Cape Coast, Kumasi and Koforidua would showcase multifaceted aspects of Indian culture in its various colours and forms.
Singapore President Tony Tan Keng Yam has wrapped up his four-day state visit to Cambodia with two agreements signed and other commitments to further enhance the relationship between the two countries and their people. Singapore has played a significant role in Asean community building, particularly in narrowing the development gaps within Asean.
“The documentary, titled ‘Neighbors in Memory…A Personal Journey,’ will be a first of its kind project, exploring the Armenian-Turkish relationship from the bottom up, starting from the reeducation of one Turkish woman and weaving in the thoughts and feelings of others who have been pondering the question: why does this hundred year old event, the Armenian Genocide, continue to be so controversial, so sensitive and so significant?”
It's a unique cultural exchange as Indian and Iranian artists gather together to revive age-old creative links between the two countries. And for some, on the Iranian side, it's an eye-opening experience. Iranian calligrapher Ali Kheairi, who is visiting India for the first time, is happy as he gets a chance to discuss and explore his craft with people from another country.

A German-African initiative, China's Silk Road, and more.
The 2016 Chinese-Egyptian Culture Year drew to an end successfully as some 150 various kinds of cultural activities were held in both countries, which is seen as a breakthrough. In January 2016, the Egyptian Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Embassy in Cairo launched the 2016 Sino-Egyptian Culture Year which marks the 60th anniversary of joint diplomatic relations.
This February, the Crocker Art Museum will present JapanAmerica: Points of Contact, a beautiful and diverse display of nearly 200 works of art and design that have played a role in artistic exchange between the two cultures. Following the “opening” of Japan by the United States Navy in 1853, traveling expositions introduced communities around the world to the exquisite craftsmanship of Japanese objects.