
Canada has renewed its commitment to support UN peacekeeping operations, but are its soldiers adequately positioned to achieve that goal? 

British Columbia Premier Christy Clark is talking up the province’s technology sector while on a business trip in Japan. According to the Government of British Columbia, they are working to form new partnerships with Japanese investors and technology companies.

March 2015, an Australian researcher published a statistic that drew both laughs and gasps in the business community there: Fewer large Australian companies were run by women than by men named Peter. The damning statistic prompted some introspection in the Australian film industry in particular, where women represent 17% of directors, a number that hasn’t budged since 1970.

The May 2016 edition of Bruce Gregory's public diplomacy reading list is now available. 

The bold digital diplomacy campaign marked last year’s International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO), celebrated annually around the world on May 17. The decision to fly the rainbow flag was significant in that Canada was the first country to fly the LGBT flag at one of its embassies in the Arab world. And it provided great material for a social media advocacy campaign.

Nashville is fast becoming a city with an international dimension. As the city’s growth accelerates, it’s hard not to notice the cultural and international growth taking place here as a result. This cultural evolution has come as a welcome addition to the leaders and founding members of Sister Cities of Nashville, who have been working to exchange ideas and cultures with citizens of the world since 1991.

UK immigration strategy is is costing the country its share in the valuable international student market, a new all-party parliamentary group has said. [...] The inaugural meeting heard Canada had overtaken the UK last year as a destination for international undergraduates, while Australia was projected to do so in little over a decade.
