
British chancellor Philip Hammond has called for closer economic ties with China as Britain enters a new post-Brexit era. As early as in 2015 when Chinese President Xi Jin-ping made his first state visit to the United Kingdom, which ushered a “golden age” to bilateral relations, the two great powers declared their consensus in working together with all Belt and Road project partners. [...] China and Britain need to use Xi’s proposed Belt and Road Initiative to raise awareness of the mutual benefits and overall exchanges of people to people of the two countries. 

The 2017 Joint Conference of Confucius Institutes in Africa was hosted by the Confucius Institute at the University of Zambia with the goal to “exchange experiences to enhance cooperation and promote the development of Confucius Institutes of Africa”. The spread of Confucius Institutes across Africa, however, is only half of China’s language strategy. In addition to promoting Chinese language learning, China is also encouraging its own citizens to learn the native languages of those countries that it has diplomatic relations with. 

Children's Day came early for a group of "Young Cultural Ambassadors" who were given the rare opportunity last Saturday, to interact with a real Ambassador and enjoy a day of learning, art and games at the Embassy of the Co-operative Republic of Guyana.The event aimed to promote cultural awareness by bringing the world to Chinese children and taking Chinese culture to children all over the world. It was also part of of activities organized by the Embassy to commemorate 45 years Guyana-China diplomatic relations. 

Taiwan's health minister on Monday accused China of playing politics with health after Taiwan was blocked from taking part in the annual meeting of the governing body of the World Health Organization for the first time since 2008. Health and Welfare Minister Chen Shih-chung lashed out at China's actions, which Beijing said was taken because Taiwan's year-old government has reneged on the "One China" principle.

The People’s Republic of China has restated her resolve to transfer technology and other competences to Nigeria through continuous training. This dominated the discourse at an exhibition tagged, ‘China through the eyes of Nigerians’. The event held at the china cultural center in Abuja. It was a delightful testimony of mutual relationship transcending more than 50 years between Nigeria and China.

The 2017 three-week tour features concerts and cultural exchange activities in Shanghai, Beijing, Ulaanbaatar, Seoul, and Hong Kong. 2017 is also the first year of new five-year partnerships with China's National Centre for the Performing Arts, the Shanghai Oriental Art Center, and the Shanghai Media Group Performing Arts Division. [...] This is the first time a Western orchestra has engaged in people-to-people exchange and outreach activities in Mongolia,made possible by the Department of State and the US Embassy in Ulaanbaatar.
