
Japan has decided to change tack in promoting its claim to disputed islands in the East China Sea amid an escalation of tensions with China over the territorial dispute, highlighted by a recent verbal tit-for-tat with Beijing at the United Nations. Instead of taking the view that there's no need to proactively promote its cause, Japan plans to step up a PR campaign outlining its claim to the disputed Senkaku Islands.

October 7, 2012

Until recently, Beijing’s policy in Afghanistan could be characterized as masterful inactivity: It sat on the sidelines of a war that it wanted neither side to win. But the late September visit by security chief Zhou Yongkang, the first by a senior Chinese leader in almost five decades, is the most visible sign that the US 2014 withdrawal date is bringing that spectator status to an end.

Japan has issued a formal complaint after South Korea invited a group of foreign journalists to a disputed island group, in the latest sign of deteriorating diplomatic relations between the two neighbours. Reporters from six US and European media groups, including the Financial Times, travelled to the Dokdo islands – known as Takeshima in Japan – on Thursday on a visit organised by the government.

In China, the Gangnam phenomenon carries a special pique. It has left people asking, Why couldn’t we come up with that?... For now, China’s Gangnam moment seems far off. “In China, culture and the arts develop under the watchful eye of the government, and anything too hip or interesting gets either shut down or bought up."

China’s Ralls Corporation has sued U.S. President Barack Obama for blocking its wind farm deal, the Chinese state news agency Xinhua reported on Wednesday... Ralls claims Obama exceeded his constitutional rights and acted in "an unlawful and unauthorized manner."

Their consensus is simply, we need to get to know China more. China is a complicated country, burdened by its past and not quite that comfortable in its new role as a world super power. Unless our leadership understands the nuances of our China relations a little more deeply, mixed signals between us will likely keep the relationship tense, and that cannot be good for both countries.

September 30, 2012

After waging a rather impressive charm offensive for some years -- after pursuing a subdued diplomacy in which the Iron Chancellor would've taken pride -- Beijing has wantonly squandered the reserves of goodwill it accumulated in Asian capitals.

While meeting a team of visiting Chinese journalists here, Sam Kutesa, Uganda's minister of foreign affairs hailed the China- Africa cooperation which dates back to the 1950s and 1960s as Africa struggled to free itself from colonial rule.
