
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs Ms Hina Rabbani Khar on Thursday said Pakistan considers relations with China of utmost importance and appreciates its support for economic development.

Sports have often been a bridge between cultures. Even when politicians have tried to use sports for propaganda purposes, the spirit of sports has often overcome political problems. The 1936 Olympics come to mind. Hitler’s “master race” blew up in his face because of Jesse Owens.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech on Internet freedom on February 15 has been criticized by the Chinese media as hypocritical. However, I think it should be seen as a wake-up call for Chinese policymakers to prepare a Web-based public diplomacy with the US.

On numerous levels, the United States continues to fall farther behind China in public diplomacy. This is yet another indication that for all its protestations about its commitment to reach out to foreign publics, the U.S. government is unwilling to commit the resources needed to do so effectively.

China will pay NSW [New South Wales] schools more than $200,000 to promote its language and culture in a move hailed by second-language advocates but seen by others as part of a Chinese "soft power" offensive.

Japan is rolling out a red carpet ahead of the arrival of much-awaited special guests from China: a pair of giant pandas. The two 5-year-old pandas are due to arrive at Tokyo's Ueno Zoo on Monday. They'll be the zoo's first since the 2008 death of its beloved giant panda Ling Ling.

China should strive to gain more cultural soft power by discussing its current culture rather than lingering over its traditional culture, said one of the country's top think tanks on Friday.

On numerous levels, the United States continues to fall farther behind China in public diplomacy. This is yet another indication that for all its protestations about its commitment to reach out to foreign publics, the U.S. government is unwilling to commit the resources needed to do so effectively.
