
Pope Francis in his first-ever interview on China has sent greetings to president Xi Jinping and the people of China. The interview was given to the online daily Asia Times, Hong Kong. [...] The leader of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics talked about his admiration for the country and avoided sensitive issues like human rights. Pope Francis emphasized on the common interest of China and Vatican and creating an environment for better relationship

Tsai Ing-wen

How the South Carolina DMV took a diplomatic stand.

Seeking “soft power,” in the Arab world, China is setting up some educational collaborations to invest in the Arab world’s scientific and technical workforce. These aims were outlined in what is being called the Chinese government’s first Arab policy paper, published earlier this month.  

Vice chairperson of the Chinese Association, Maureen Lok Fat said they decided to hold celebrations on Saturday days ahead of the Lunar New Year to allow as many people as possible to attend. The 2016 Chinese Lunar New Year falls on February 8. [...] It’s generally agreed that such events unite the Chinese community and help promote understanding among different people with different cultures.

South Korea has proudly touted the international success of its music industry. There is even a term coined to describe the popularity of Korean pop culture abroad – Hallyu, or “Korean Wave.” In recent years, Korean entertainment companies have tried to build on this success with localization techniques [...] But when pop stars cross borders, they’re bound to run into some sensitivities.

The heartbreaking image of a dead, three-year old Syrian refugee who was drowned in the Mediterranean sea last year just got a huge artistic tribute. [...] That photograph of Ai captured by India Today magazine on the Greek island of Lesbos is now the toast of the India Art Fair at an exhibition called “The Artists” this weekend.

For years, governments and foundations have used scholarships as instruments of diplomacy. The Brits have Rhodes and Chevening, the Americans have Marshall and Fulbright, and the Australian government has created a lot of goodwill in its neighbourhood through the New Colombo Plan. 

A different form of engagement with China – like through sports or cultural exchange – might help the Philippines resolve its maritime spat with the Asian giant, Sen. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. said yesterday.
