Cultural Diplomacy

On the heels of Wakaa the Musical hitting the London stage, Wakaa's executive producer and Terra Kulture boss, Bolanle Austen-Peters has said the musical has great potential to boost cultural diplomacy and promote our cultural heritage abroad. She made this known during a briefing with the press ahead of Wakaa's opening in theatres in London.

India has organised a week-long Indian culinary week here to showcase the country's wide ranging food habits as part of cultural interaction with Israel. The programme by the Indian Embassy here in collaboration with Israel's leading hotel chain Dan Hotels was inaugurated on Sunday. Celebrity chef Sanjeev Kapoor, 52, is showcasing the wide ranging food habits prevalent in India. 

Jamala’s win and her powerful song about persecution and the abuse of Crimean Tatars has filled our hearts with pride and solidarity. It also reminds us that culture is a powerful instrument for building trust, understanding and peace.

After the collapse of the Soviet empire, Russia has steadily shown interest in many spheres, ranging from political consultations through business and economic cooperation to culture with African countries. Of a special focus, Russia attaches significance to deepening trade and investment cooperation with Africa

The three-day cultural event featured folk performances and exhibitions that featured the cultures of both countries. [...] Ijgyarto reiterated the importance of cultural cooperation between countries, since no political or economic cooperation is possible without cultural cooperation. In other words, what is important besides political and economic relationships is people-to-people contact. 

Mr Modi is projecting India to the world as a civilisational entity with accumulated wisdom of millennia that is the solution to today’s global crises. Mr Modi showcases an India that is a microcosm of the world, a broad multicultural platform and a moral force.

Ambassadors or their spouses from 28 countries have each read a book from their country to Korean children for about 30 minutes at the gallery's seminar room. [...] "Ambassadors or their spouses read out a book in their language so children learn about the language of each country..." 

This free event will feature a variety of traditional Chinese performances. [...] Xiang Yun Temple actively seeks ways to facilitate cultural exchange between and the East and the West, and everyone is invited to participate. 
