Cultural Diplomacy

Bringing this widely toured show to select countries in the Middle East presents a tapestry of culture and friendship, from which both nations can find commonalities and understanding through dance, according to the embassy.

China’s state-sponsored cultural exports inevitably create controversy in the West. Critics warn that educational institutions receiving financial support from the Chinese authoritarian regime risk ceding control of their curriculum, academic freedom and intellectual integrity.

Former military president, Ibrahim Babangida, on Tuesday said Nollywood was a veritable tool for cultural diplomacy and social re-engineering in Nigeria.

Chinese Ambassador Liu Xiaoming said at the launch of China Culture Season that, thanks to the concerted efforts of both sides, China-UK people-to-people exchange has been more active in recent years than ever before.

Mexico’s image has rarely been this deteriorated. Nothing remains of the celebration sparked by the so-called “Pact for Mexico,” a 2012 initiative from the ruling party that served as a global example of political civility by achieving consensus among rival lawmakers to pass the country’s structural reforms.

Though some museums shy away from the politics of art, hoping to keep them in separate realms, AMOCAH does no such thing. The museum’s opening exhibit directly addresses its community-oriented role. Titled "HIWAR," the word translates roughly into English as “dialogue,” but more precisely denotes a conversation between two plus people or parties working together toward a positive resolution without animosity.

Bord Bia's Origin Green programme is the theme of Ireland's pavilion at Expo Milan 2015. The theme of the international exhibition is "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life". 

August 1, 2015

While the nuclear accord will not change Iran immediately, it will allow for incremental changes in the country. It opens opportunities for greater people-to-people exchanges between Iran and the United States. Ultimately Iran’s gradual opening will allow what the Iranian regime fears the most; the loss of the United States as an enemy and its emergence as a source of inspiration. 
