Cultural Diplomacy

The embassy of Israel in Tokyo has launched an animated, online series in its latest effort to boost tourism from Japan.  The seven-part show will broadcast on the embassy's official YouTube page.

Throngs of Cambodian students from various Chinese schools flocked to see the fifth edition of a Chinese book fair on Monday, seeking reading books which are helpful to their studies.

In the US there is growing disquiet over China’s attempts to exert ‘soft power’ by claiming a footprint on university campuses.  In the space of a week, two US universities, Pennsylvania State and University of Chicago, have decided to shut down their Confucius Institutes amid concerns over threats to academic freedom.

Zhang, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), hailed the development of bilateral relationship, highlighting frequent high-level interactions, increasing political trust and expanding practical cooperation.

October 26, 2014

Culture, in its widest interpretation, is the cumulative level of excellence achieved by a society in all the areas of creative and intellectual expression. That level of creative refinement constitutes the soft power of a country

October 26, 2014

The Republic of Korea is a country rich in history, culture and creativity. It’s time to get the word out.  If image is everything, South Korea needs a tune up. At least as far as the West is concerned.

The award, the Cultural Heritage Rescue Prize, was established by Francesco Rutelli, of Italy’s Associazione Priorità Cultura and the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy in Berlin, to reward “the courage and determination of those fighting to preserve culture as universal heritage,” according to the organizers, who decided to give the inaugural award to a person or organization involved in the Syrian conflict.

Jamaican Ambassador to Brazil, Her Excellency Alison Stone Roofe, says her embassy staff has already started preparations to capitalize on the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.
