Cultural Diplomacy

South African Deputy Minister of Arts and Culture Rejoice Mabudafhasi is expected to speak at the on-going Ubuntu Music and Arts of South Africa Festival being held in New York City, United States, his office said Tuesday.

The U.S. will show itself off as "Food Truck Nation" at the Milan Expo, bringing six authentic food trucks to Italy as part of its participation in the event opening in May for six months.  The Expo theme is food and nutrition.

After 20 years working to promote academic and cultural exchanges with Cuba, I would not have imagined that in 2014 the U.S. embargo would still be so solidly in place.  It’s high time for President Obama to exercise his executive authority to make changes toward normalization of relations with Cuba.

Though the peace process is in garbage time, Obama’s top aides take time out from dealing with ISIS to join kids on the White House court.

It's India-Pakistan diplomacy with a difference: two groups of students, one in Bangalore and one in Islamabad, talking fashion, film and politics over homemade curry and steaks.  By dining together over Skype calls, the students might knock down the cultural and political barriers that divide them.

Masterpieces by Leonardo da Vinci and Vincent van Gogh will be among 300 works displayed at the Louvre Abu Dhabi, the Emirate said Sunday, as it aims to become a leader in fine art.

Georgian Ambassador Nikoloz Apkhazava is pursuing wine diplomacy, hosting his fifth tasting event Tuesday since opening the country’s chancery in 2012.  Wine goes hand in glove in the popular imagination of diplomatic work but, for the Georgian envoy, it is also a down-to-earth policy objective of his posting in South Korea. 

The Palace of Arts in Budapest on Friday was home to a photo show and the presentation of an album combining the beauties of China and Hungary, as well as a ceremony re-introducing a volume of classic Chinese poetry published in Hungary.
