Cultural Diplomacy

The wonderfully named Thai Delicious Committee, a Thai-government-sponsored agency, has developed a machine that can supposedly distinguish genuine green curry from inferior imitations of the country’s classic dish. The existence of an officially sanctioned Thai green curry recipe, not to mention a machine programmed to robotically taste it, is but one example of Thailand’s ongoing efforts in culinary diplomacy.

Peking University has formed a research center dedicated to national "soft power," aiming to help the government spread Chinese culture and values abroad.  "Cultural soft power is beginning to offer strong support for the rise of China. The country must enhance its cultural strength in order to dominate the global contest for soft power."

Ministry of Culture has held a dinner banquet in honor of the outgoing Japanese Ambassador to Bahrain, Hijki Sumi, in appreciation of his huge role in strengthening cultural relations between the two countries, in the presence of a number of diplomats and representatives of the cultural sector in Bahrain. 

Arts Minister George Brandis also attended the dinner in the Prime Minister’s private dining room at Parliament House. Mr Abbott told guests that he wanted to learn from the arts sector, and heard a discussion about its successes and challenges. The conversation included the importance of private-sector support for the arts, and the international role of arts organisations in cultural diplomacy.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi basked Sunday in a rock star welcome to the United States as he vowed to work tirelessly to make his nation a major power. In a massive show of support for a right-wing leader once shunned by Washington, some 18,500 people of Indian origin from across the United States and Canada packed into New York’s Madison Square Garden...

Thai 'soft power' is highly visible in Indonesia through every-day encounters such as consumer products, entertainment, fashions, food and fruits, to name but a few.  Somehow, Thai authorities who are promoting the country's smart power have no idea of utilising this popular and neutral medium. Na

A 21-member troupe of Chinese artists from Soochow University in southeastern China's Suzhou City has performed a variety of Chinese arts here and triggered zeal from Cambodian spectators.

A cultural relationship that started in 1999 was celebrated on Thursday night in southwest China.  Montana governor Steve Bullock and Guangxi governor Chen Wu took down the cover of the ceremonial wall of friendship between the two locations.
