cultural understanding
What started as a transatlantic video chat between students at Hampton High School and students in the Republic of Georgia in the former Soviet Union has now become an opportunity to build stronger economic and cultural relations.
[HSBC] bank, known for its "world's local bank" slogan, has backed this summer's Festival Brazil, a programme of cultural activities at London's South Bank Centre celebrating the country that is predicted to be the world's fifth-largest economy by 2025.
Special squatting toilets have been installed in a Greater Manchester shopping centre after its bosses went on a cultural awareness course.
Young Vietnamese artist Hoang Duong Cam will join his Japanese colleague Takayuki Yamamoto in an exhibition of their joint works in Hanoi from July 23 to August 5. The exhibition entitled “On each kilometre” is part of the arts cooperation assistance project of the Japan Culture Exchange Centre in Vietnam.
The MoU seeks to encourage exchange of visits by the cultural, art and literature delegations. To promote cultural relations on heritage, including archaeology, museums and conservation of the ancient monuments.
...Initiatives in Education, Science and Culture Towards Enhanced US-Muslim Countries Collaborations aimed to focus on concrete projects and initiatives in those three areas, and not on divisive political issues such the Israeli-Palestine conflict and Iraq.
Numerous young people, mostly university students in their 20s from diverse countries, including the United States, Germany and Pakistan, accepted invitations to the retreat and bought plane tickets, eager to explore Russia and to meet their Russian counterparts.
When I made the decision to move to Vienna, I was unprepared for the repercussions my attitude, behaviour and opinions would have in forming and influencing European perceptions of women from Saudi Arabia...