
Since a teenager, Art Thomya, YouTube host and travel vlogger, has enthusiastically participated in Asean cultural exchange programmes. His passion for the region rings true until today. The 39-year-old, who wears a number of hats, uses his talent as an independent singer/songwriter and travel enthusiast to promote the Asean region's tourism and culture on his YouTube travel programme Hey! Asean.

The U.S. Department of State plans to send circus experts, acrobats or clowns to schools in Turkmenistan as part of a cultural exchange program. [...] “Through this program, Turkmen students and faculty of the Circus Arts Department will have a chance to work and learn from American professionals in a series of master-classes,” the grant summary says.

Lord co-wrote and co-edited Cities, Museums and Soft Power, a book of essays by prominent culture experts on the influence of museums and arts institutions on cities and citizens. While hard power is exerted by countries through weapons, war, sanctions and money, soft power creates influence through persuasion, agenda-setting and culture, Lord says.

British Council on Friday launched '2017 UK-India Year of Culture' here to promote the spirit of cultural partnership. Aim of the campaign is to highlight the vibrant cultural history of two countries and celebrate the best 'cultural exports' together. The campaign plan was announced during the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to London in November last year.

Steven Goldstein’s connection to Israel predates his now-renowned acting and operatic career. [...] But now, amid an ongoing push by supporters of the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement to pressure artists to avoid Israel, Goldstein hopes to use his talents and experience to combat these efforts.  

Each year over 400 American and international teachers travel abroad to learn from their peers, share their own knowledge, and experience other cultures through programs sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, and still more travel through other governmental and private programs. The State Department estimates that upon their return these 400 educators reach over 65,000 students in just one year.

Monday, August 1st, was “J Day,” during which international students and other exchange visitors fan out across the United States to engage in community service and celebrate American culture. This celebration comes right after the recent party conventions where divergent philosophies on immigration and other global issues were on display. Those differences could over time negatively impact the general public’s views of international exchange programs. 

The five founding members of Ithaca Welcomes Refugees might be the human embodiment of the “COEXIST” bumper sticker. They are: two protestant pastors, a Muslim American, a Jewish social studies teacher, and an aid worker who married into a Hindu family. [...] With the current Syrian crisis in mind, the city’s Common Council unanimously voted in June to declare Ithaca a welcoming community for all refugees.
