cyber security
'Global in perspective, regional in focus' is the mantra underpinning Australia's forthcoming International Cyber Engagement Strategy -- but with trade come norms of behavior, and enforcement. [...] Australia's diplomatic engagement on cyber security matters will be detailed in the government's International Cyber Engagement Strategy, to be launched next Wednesday.

Mark Dillen explores the Trump administration's response to Russia's current disinformation campaign.

Chris Hensman & Shawn Powers discuss how the rise of digital technology poses a threat to PD practitioners.

Shaun Riordan discusses how the importance of the G20 summit goes beyond its communique.
Stephanie Siow ’17 knows that young adults can make a big mark on the world, but she never imagined that just a few short weeks after graduating from Yale she’d have the attention of a world leader as she spoke about the kinds of change she’d like to see.