Digital Diplomacy & New Technology

Creator says popular online videos aimed at showing Turkey China’s good side, and giving advice to its bad [...] The term wanghong, which literally means "Internet favorites," has become widespread among the young generation. Today, it is possible to see many different types of wanghong in Chinese social media.

In a resounding testimonial to the government's public diplomacy efforts, India has been ranked among the top 10 countries in terms of its digital diplomacy performance, according to a global research and advocacy platform.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and visiting Estonian counterpart Taavi Roivas pledged Friday to strengthen cooperation on cybersecurity and digital identification technology.

Indonesian diplomats are being encouraged to keep up with the rapid development of technology and communication tools by exploring the use of new media in the Foreign Ministry's leadership programs. [...] progress of technology demanded an adaptive attitude to innovations in politics, diplomacy and global communication...

According to Matthew Barzun, U.S. ambassador to the United Kingdom, diplomats in the digital age have a lot to learn from the story of Encarta, Microsoft’s ill-fated digital encyclopedia. In the early 2000s, Encarta briefly outsold the venerable Encyclopedia Britannica, historically the top seller in the field. But by 2009, despite being backed by the richest company in the world, Encarta had been discontinued. It was unable to compete with Jimmy Wales’ user-generated, user-audited Wikipedia, which had become and remains the predominant model for sharing knowledge.
