Digital Diplomacy & New Technology

The Public Diplomacy program aims to combat the BDS movement and the delegitimization of Israel through uniting a global community of pro-Israel activists on social media in a coordinated effort to inform and influence people on Israel.

Dor Elidan, a polite 16-year-old sporting a short Mohawk, admits that he doesn't know enough about politics to form an opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – but that he felt "privileged" to write an algorithm that is now being used by the Israeli government to hit back at anti-Semitism and enemies of the state online. The code is part of a platform that boosts positive social media posts, photos, news reports and opinion articles that promote Israel. 

Whether it’s at a local or international level, everyone wants to be aware of the new policies being framed by the government, the services that are being started, and so on. To help people avail various services and take part in its initiatives, the government has launched several apps

Syrian refugee children at a half-built apartment block near Reyfoun in Lebanon, close to the border with Syria, give the peace sign. The families fled Syria due to the war and are now living on a building site. (Photo: Eoghan Rice)

Combat global hunger from your smartphone.

On 31 July 2015, Tom Fletcher, the outgoing British ambassador to Lebanon, signed off with an open letter on the Foreign and Commonwealth Office website to the country he had served in for four years, titled “So . . . Yalla, Bye”. [...] The blog went viral and generated much discussion in Lebanon.

Chinese and American officials kicked off a film and media partnership in the shadow of the Albuquerque Studios complex Monday with representatives of both the state of New Mexico and Panda iMedia, a Beijing-based digital media firm, promising job growth, expanded opportunity and cross-cultural understanding.

Finding that the curse of unsupervised hate speech is rampant on the web and leads to terrorism, social media moguls Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube have joined in signing a “Code of Conduct”. The document, produced by the European Commission (EC), states that these mega companies will dedicate manpower and algorithms to remove “illegal hate speech” within 24 hours.

British Columbia Premier Christy Clark is talking up the province’s technology sector while on a business trip in Japan. According to the Government of British Columbia, they are working to form new partnerships with Japanese investors and technology companies.
