digital diplomacy
Australians have banded together on Twitter with #IllRideWithYou, a hashtag showing their solidarity with fellow countrymen scared of being attacked on public transportation.
How do we deal with American supporters of terrorist groups like ISIS? Europe may have some surprising lessons with its kinder, gentler approach to homegrown jihadists.
This video highlights some of the key findings of Burson-Marsteller's Annual Twiplomacy Study which was recently updated to look more specifically at the connections between heads of state and governments and foreign ministers, covering a record 161 countries and 643 Twitter accounts.
“[Twitter] has become a very powerful tool to conduct public diplomacy,” Sarukhan says. “Public diplomacy is about engaging and about winning hearts and minds.”
French international news channel France 24 is now broadcast live 24/7 in three languages (English, French and Arabic) on YouTube, the n°1 online video platform. This agreement allows France 24 to further facilitate accessibility to its three channels and allows all Internet users to watch them in high definition on any type of device.
Some of these emerging diplomatic trends seem to have the potential to solve real problems, but can they really guarantee results or are they diplomatic fads that will go out of style as soon as the diplomatic community is faced with more complex challenges?
Social media giant Facebook revealed Tuesday the most talked about topics of 2014 around the world with the main topic the World Cup. Other topics in the list included the Gaza conflict, the Ice Bucket Challenge, the Ebola Virus as well as Sochi Winter Olympics.
Syracuse University Association of Public Diplomacy Scholars recently published the 2014 Exchange Journal of Public Diplomacy, “Public Diplomacy in Emerging Nations.” This issue aims to observe public diplomacy from a non-American perspective and through comparative studies sheds light on how PD is practiced in Mexico, Russia, India, Turkey, and China.