“The documentary, titled ‘Neighbors in Memory…A Personal Journey,’ will be a first of its kind project, exploring the Armenian-Turkish relationship from the bottom up, starting from the reeducation of one Turkish woman and weaving in the thoughts and feelings of others who have been pondering the question: why does this hundred year old event, the Armenian Genocide, continue to be so controversial, so sensitive and so significant?”
Ron Finley is leading an urban gardening revolution across South Central Los Angeles, and hopefully beyond.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences awards its Oscars on Sunday, and one of the nominees in the category of Best Documentary Feature is “Winter on Fire: Ukraine’s Fight for Freedom,” a chronicle of the 2013-14 protests in Kyiv.

Oscar-nominated Winter on Fire is bringing international attention back to Ukraine.

The PD of a cross-India run.
Call it serendipitous. Call it fortuitous. Call it whatever you like, but the meeting of Audrey Emerson and Anne Wells produced more than a friendship. It led to the production of a film, specifically “The Pamoja Project,” a 30-minute documentary profiling three women community leaders in Tanzania, East Africa.