economic development

It’s been a busy winter in downtown Athens, where scaffolding, tarpaulins and dust have been symbols of hope: a mini construction boom heralding a tourist renaissance. Nine hotels are being built or restored around the city centre. [...] The Greek Tourism Confederation, Sete, is predicting another bumper season for an industry that has long been the single biggest contributor to the economy and job market.

This June 2, 2016, Italy will celebrate its Republic Day, also known as Festa della Reppublica (Festival of the Republic) in Italian. It was on this day when the Italians voted to abolish the monarchy in 1946 so their country could become a republic. In the Philippines, Italian Ambassador Massimo Roscigno will lead the celebration. [...] This year’s celebration marks a milestone for Roscigno who implemented programs to boost the strength of the diplomatic and bilateral relations of Italy and the Philippines.

Thousands of people descended at the Regency Hotel on Wednesday as Africans, Kuwaitis and expatriates celebrated Africa Day in a colorful style. The event featured lots of cultural displays – with each African country showcasing its rich tradition and cultural heritage in their respective booths. There were food fair, bonanza, free gifts and traditional dances. This is a good avenue to showcase African diversity and success. 

On 16 May 2016 Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern district, Yury Trutnev, met with officials from Japanese and Russian energy and metallurgical companies. The meeting followed a summit between Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Russian President Vladimir Putin to discuss enhancing bilateral ties. [...] Public diplomacy is also another area of great potential between the two countries. 

When the United States or any other Western country embraces a “pivot to Asia” as a central element of its foreign policy, it must be more than a “pivot to China.” Nations such as South Korea, Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Malaysia, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam and others all keep a close eye on China, but they also know that they individually and especially collectively possess enough economic and political vitality to offset some of China’s regional dominance.

Dr Ekwow Spio-Garbrah, the Minister of Trade and Industry, on Wednesday launched the 2016 Diplomatic Fair and reminded African countries on the need to partner diplomatic missions to develop their economies. [...] Speaking at the launch in Accra, Mr Spio-Garbrah said the idea of the Diplomatic Fair should also allow Ghanaian businesses to enquire from embassies that would participate about how they could assist the local businesses to operate in their countries.

Kenya has been recognized for its aggressive campaign to position itself as the best destination for trade, tourism and investment through its initiative "Make it Kenya". The country received the Best Place or Nation Brand [...] in Dubai. The award follows extensive campaign by Brand Kenya that was initiated to revive the image of the country following several terror attacks that kept away investors and tourists therefore affecting the country's economy.

Russia summit dedicated to the 20th anniversary of establishing relations of dialog partnership between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations and Moscow will help to define new goals of bilateral cooperation in the future, Cambodia’s Prime Minister Hun Sen said in an exclusive interview with TASS.
