education diplomacy
Leonard Swidler, a Christian scholar at Temple University in Philadelphia, visited Saudi Arabia's ultraconservative Al Imam Muhammed bin Saud Islamic University earlier this summer, underscoring a shift toward greater openness in some official religious institutions.
One legacy of the 9/11 attacks was a distortion of American policy: By the standards of history and cost-effectiveness, we are hugely overinvested in military tools and underinvested in education and diplomacy.
...annual service trip that brings students from UVM’s Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources to this desert city [Arad, Israel] – a sister city of Burlington, Vt. – to help locals make the most of their ecologically-sensitive surroundings.
Ninety-eight per cent of the visa applications from Pakistan are rejected for being relied upon fake documents. Even strong candidates make their cases doubtful by just attaching one fake document to their application. This was stated by US Consulate Consul General Carmella Conroy while addressing the students of Government College University on ‘the role of the United States for promotion of education in Pakistan’ here [Lahore] on Tuesday
...Initiatives in Education, Science and Culture Towards Enhanced US-Muslim Countries Collaborations aimed to focus on concrete projects and initiatives in those three areas, and not on divisive political issues such the Israeli-Palestine conflict and Iraq.
The University Linkages Programme at Cairo University represents the unique collaboration between BG Egypt, Cairo University and the British Council. It provides much-needed English language tuition and professional skills to the university's Petroleum Geosciences students.
The UK is stepping up its activities in Bahrain with increased investment in arts and education. British officials also hope to almost double the number of Bahrain schools linked with those in the UK.
First started in 1983, the Chevening programme is touted by the UK government as a prestigious international scholarship scheme that fully or partly funds some 1,000 individuals from over 130 countries to pursue postgraduate studies in British universities every year.