
Headlines explored the various ways cultural diplomacy can connect communities.

In the wake of the Edinburgh International Culture Summit, how can we think about cultural diplomacy?
Pakistan is a land of unlimited talent and rich artistic tradition. [...] Pakistani entertainment at its current peak, have a tendency to lend a soft power status to the country. As one of finest cultural imports of Pakistan, efforts must be made to promote such creativity and talent.
Cultural events are fun, entertaining and educative. They allow individuals to integrate physically and mentally. It has been noted at many levels of society that a dynamic cultural sector is a requirement for a well-functioning public sphere with arenas for critical debate and the exchange of ideas.
The Chinese government has spent billions in recent years to subsidize artistic enterprises, with an eye toward wielding "soft power" beyond its borders. It hasn't been notably successful. But China's video game industry -- as of last year, the world's biggest -- is on the verge of becoming one of its most valuable cultural exports. It just might succeed where so much Chinese entertainment has failed in the past.
A socio cultural and contemporary entertainment production, Wakaa The Musical in London will celebrate the diverse yet homogeneous people and culture of Nigeria, which has attracted the endorsement and support of the Federal Ministry of Information and Culture, the Nigerian Export Promotion Council, the National Pension Commission and the Bank of Industry.

Foreign audiences are more important than ever for Hollywood...so why are we still seeing all-white casts?