european union

The plain truth is that the European Union is the second-greatest power on the world scene today, destined to soon become the dominant superpower in the very near future.

Talks are expected to focus on the German head of state's opposition to European Union membership for the predominantly Muslim country. Merkel favors a privileged partnership with the EU, while Turkey wants full membership.

If half a dozen European leaders will insist on turning up to the G20, could they divvy up the agenda ahead of time, and agree that one leader would speak (and only one) on each topic in the name of the EU?

When Catherine Ashton was the surprise choice for the post of the European Union's first foreign minister, it was said she lacked any experience in the basics of diplomacy. She is clearly a quick learner.

European Union foreign ministers have urged Iran to stop jamming satellite signals that have affected transmissions by several Western broadcasters, including Deutsche Welle and the BBC.

European Union nations are calling for Iran to stop jamming international satellite broadcasts and censoring the Internet. A preliminary version of a statement that will go before EU foreign ministers next week demands that Iran cease its electronic interference immediately.

The European Union Vice-President will visit Lebanon Tuesday as part of her first tour of the Middle East aimed at stimulating dialogue in the region.

While few see any evidence of an actual rivalry between the two sides, it's possible that the combined damage to the relationship caused by the 2003 Iraq War and then the global financial crisis in 2008 has altered the way the major players view each other.
