global health

Tara Ornstein analyzes a public diplomacy campaign to conquer TB.
Global health diplomacy has been gaining importance and its negotiators need to be well-prepared. Some countries have added a full-time health attaché to their diplomatic staff, in recognition of the importance and complexity of global health deliberations.
Google said its grant would help to raise awareness, reduce mosquito populations and support the development of vaccines. "Today we have Google engineers working with Unicef to analyse data, to determine how to map and anticipate the virus," the company said in a blog post. [...] The company is also working with popular YouTube channels in Latin America to produce information videos about the virus.
Idea: We need to develop vaccines for neglected tropical diseases in the Middle East and North Africa. [...] Hotez, who was appointed U.S. Science Envoy for the Middle East in 2015, brought his knowledge of these neglected tropical diseases to the turmoil in the Middle East and discovered the makings of a new global epidemic.
[…] The Open Hands Initiative will host its 5th international people-to-people exchange to foster dialogue and goodwill between the U.S. and developing countries. […]The three-week exchange […] will provide 16 masters level students in public health, from the U.S. and Colombia, a cultural and educational opportunity that will encourage dialogue and increase mutual understanding around public health issues [...]

A new paper from Tara Ornstein.

Tara Ornstein on the power of exchange in public health.