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It’s a free country and Terry Glavin is entitled to rail all he likes against diplomacy, robust and otherwise in his column (“What robust diplomacy gets you,” Sept. 12). But he will not disparage diplomacy and deprecate public servants without challenge. I find offensive his characterizations of Lakhdar Brahimi, Mokhtar Lamani and Paul Dewar, all of whom I know personally.

The Obama administration has amassed a substantial record of accomplishments in the fight against Al Qaeda. But the tragic murder of Chris Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya, and three other Americans underscores the need to keep up the pressure to combat terrorism at every level.

Terming India a "Cultural Super Power" Dr Karan Singh, President of ICCR in his address to the Heads of Missions underscored the role and importance of cultural diplomacy and public diplomacy tools in projecting India's soft power. He also stressed on the message of universalism enshrined in the ancient Indian philosophy of Vedanta.

American efforts to counter the threat of terrorism have spawned their own literary genre. Some of the books are little more than partisan tirades, some give credence to far-fetched conspiracy theories, but others are solidly researched and impart important lessons about fighting evil without demolishing essential national values.

The Lithuanian Parliament, Seimas, held the solemn opening ceremony of the Lithuania-Armenia forum, where MPs, political, scientific, cultural, representatives as well as sport figures, actors, journalists and representatives of the Armenian community participated, Armenian MFA informs Armenian

At a time when international public opinion of Israel is at an all-time low, a Jerusalem-based association that unites Jews and Christians in their support for the Jewish state has expanded its operations to Asia. The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews – of the country’s biggest donors to social and education projects – officially opened its South Korean office in Seoul on Thursday.

After days of anti-American violence across the Muslim world, the White House is girding itself for an extended period of turmoil that will test the security of American diplomatic missions and President Obama’s ability to shape the forces of change in the Arab world.

The last time I saw Chris Stevens was in May, at his swearing-in ceremony for his first post as ambassador, in Libya. We'd been friends since he was a junior diplomat on the Iran desk, when we used to gab for hours about Tehran's cryptic politics. We later met up in Mideast hot spots, from Syria and Saudi Arabia to the Palestinian territories. He always had funny tales about diplomatic mischief.
