government pd

Two giant pandas arrived in Scotland on Sunday. British officials said the 10-year loan of the bears by China strengthened ties between the two countries. Over the years, Beijing gave pandas away as goodwill tokens. The black-and-white bear still apparently inspires warm feelings that span across borders. The difference is, now China makes you pay for it.

Britain is spending £10m to tackle deforestation in Brazil in an effort to protect wildlife and reduce carbon emission. For years, the UK has pledged £2.9bn for projects to tackle climate change, especially to reduce emissions associated with deforestation, which comprise almost a fifth of annual global emissions.

Kashram agreed with Salih in saying that Turkey established only government-to-government relations within MENA; it does not use public diplomacy channels -- which function to influence public opinion in other countries via visual and print media -- but recent movements in the Arab world have required Turkey to create these ties with Arab society in the end.

"Governments must do everything they can to fully protect Jewish citizens from the oldest and most persistent form of prejudice"...Reporting on and combating anti-Semitism should be part of a full array of human rights and democracy programming, funding and public diplomacy efforts.

“The incident sends a clear signal to China.. With the U.S. strategy of refocusing on the region, it is already making inroads in Myanmar. It also acts as a reminder that the public diplomacy of China still leaves much to be desired.”

Organized by UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS) and ICCR (Indian Council for Cultural Relations), the concert will see Diabaté, also a UNAIDS goodwill ambassador, play kora, a 21-string bridge-harp used extensively in West Africa, to belt out some mesmerising melodies.

December 1, 2011
