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Romney, advised by a committee professedly oriented toward Latin America.. called the Campaign for Economic Opportunity in Latin America (CEOLA), in order to promote “a vigorous public diplomacy and trade promotion effort in the region.”

The U.S. State Department significantly lacks expertise, diplomatic and intelligence tools. Inadequate developed techniques to propel its overseas diplomatic missions for wider reach to engage with diverse community leaders and communities in the periphery.

So Obama has left his mark on the Australia-US historic speech on Asia strategy, an important shift towards US military access... But as a major public diplomacy opportunity to consolidate America's closest Asia Pacific alliance, it could have been done considerably better.

Deputy Minister Selim...emphasized that the aim of the conference was to raise public awareness and to improve Kosovo’s image, by using public diplomacy as a method by which the Republic of Kosovo can strengthen its presence in Brussels and in capitals of states that have not yet recognized it.

Voice of America and other American international broadcasters now reach 187 million people every week, an increase of 22 million from 2010 and an all-time record number of listeners and viewers, according to data released yesterday.

WASHINGTON --- Voice of America and other American international broadcasters now reach 187 million people every week, an increase of 22 million from 2010 and an all-time record number of listeners and viewers, according to data released yesterday.

Turkey now has a chance to promote democracy in the Middle East, build ties with its neighboring peoples, and rise to leadership in the region, all at the same time.Turkey’s time to become a Middle East power seems to have arrived. Challenges remain...including the future of Turkish-Israeli ties and Iran’s hostile attitude to Ankara’s rising influence in the region.

The tough times have seen Irish business rediscover Germany as an important trade partner. It is a given here to have access to and interest in Irish culture, thus cultural diplomacy can have a great reach. Ireland’s cultural chief...sees a need to give Germans a sense of Ireland’s contemporary cultural landscape, particularly as the debate over the future of Europe draws us closer together.
