Hurricane Harvey

This week’s PD News focused on nations, organizations, and celebrities helping people in need.

How has the coverage of natural disasters changed in the social media age?
Natural disasters know no political boundaries. And that’s why international humanitarian relief flows so quickly, and in such great and humbling quantities, when hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis strike. But today, with Houston suffering as Mother Nature’s latest victim, will the world’s giving nations step-up and step-in to help American relief efforts?

Markos Kounalakis explores whether other countries will provide humanitarian aid for Texas in wake of President Trump's behavior.
The Mexican government expressed its solidarity Sunday with the United States following the damage caused by Hurricane Harvey and offered assistance to Texas. "As we have done in the past, Mexico stands with Texas in this difficult moment," Carlos Gonzalez Gutierrez, the Mexican consul general in Austin, said. Mexico is prepared for a Katrina-like assistance package.