hyphenated diplomacy
Whether Americans realize it or not, our public diplomacy touches the lives of people around the world on a daily basis in unexpected ways: whether it’s a cup of Starbucks coffee; a McDonald’s Big Mac; a sporting event on television; or a music concert at a theater. The very things Americans often take for granted at home—be it food, sports, or some other form of entertainment—are also widely available around the world, exported to other countries for the pleasure – and sometimes displeasure – of foreign publics.
Good cultural diplomacy is always drawn from the unique. American country music is one area that projects a wholly American image of the rugged hero sitting high in the saddle or a scorned yet powerful woman singing about lost love. Country songs are about what the French would call la condition humaine, universal stories strummed on a guitar. As such, country music has a vast global appeal.
What does it mean when the term “diplomacy” is grafted onto another word?

Craig Hayden on hyphenated diplomacy, globalization and international relations.
How country music shapes America's brand status.

Sherine B. Walton, Editor-in-Chief
Naomi Leight, Managing Editor
Marissa Cruz-Enriquez, Associate Editor