
The adoption of 21 June as the International Yoga Day by the United Nations signifies the support that recent diplomatic endeavours of the government have evoked on the world stage, External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj said on Monday.

Twiplomacy 2014

This video highlights some of the key findings of Burson-Marsteller's Annual Twiplomacy Study which was recently updated to look more specifically at the connections between heads of state and governments and foreign ministers, covering a record 161 countries and 643 Twitter accounts.

BRICS could emerge as a voice for an alternative world view and development model as there is a good scope to take the relationship forward, Rajiv Sikri, former secretary at India’s Ministry of External Affairs, told RT.

Syracuse University Association of Public Diplomacy Scholars recently published the 2014 Exchange Journal of Public Diplomacy, “Public Diplomacy in Emerging Nations.” This issue aims to observe public diplomacy from a non-American perspective and through comparative studies sheds light on how PD is practiced in Mexico, Russia, India, Turkey, and China.

East African businesses are set to trade more with India by learning how to take advantage of the country's duty-free market access scheme, facilitated by the Supporting India's Trade Preferences for Africa (SITA) project

During the recent Saarc summit, the Nepal Prime Minister's niece hosted the South Asian first ladies. A few days before that, Maggie Abbot, the Australia PM's wife took the wives of G20 leaders to see a wildlife sanctuary in Australia. And as a result, Indian babus in foreign relations are now missing the feminine touch to India's diplomatic endeavours and are hoping he will have someone fill in the post of First Lady for the country.

Greater awareness of other countries' non-hostile intentions in forming partnerships can foster an amicable neighborhood.  President Xi Jinping underlined the importance of China's neighborhood diplomacy at the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs held in Beijing on Friday and Saturday. 

Rising Soft Powers: India features an exclusive interview with Indian diplomat and author whose book was adapted into the film Slumdog Millionaire.
