
November 8, 2014

India-Pakistan relations are not on the mend. They are deteriorating. Invitations to the heads of SAARC countries to attend the inauguration of Narendra Modi was really meant to signal that a new kind of leadership in India was at the helm, one with a different vision and approach to national and international affairs.

A five-day (November 5-9) art residency entitled "Maitri-India China Women Artists' Residency" was inaugurated at the Diggi Palace in Jaipur by the guest of honour justice R S Chauhan with the lighting of lamp and Kathak performance by the Jaipur's well known dance performer Manjari Kiran Mahajani.

An exclusive interview with Indian Diplomat and author of the novel on which Slumdog Millionaire was based

As part of the Green Revolution, Peres and Prime Minister Narandra Modi will launch the infrastructure for a wide ranging Food Security and water technology project.  Peres will also undertake a mission of public diplomacy to explain Israel’s case to the Indian media.

The Ministry of Culture organized an open discussion meeting with a number of Indian Expat Businessmen to discuss the latest developments with regard to the "Little India" project. 

Every country’s foreign policy has elements of continuity and change following a change in government. India’s policy under Mr. Modi is no different.  The fourth change is a greater emphasis on ‘soft power’. 

"Education and cultural diplomacy is the only way forward to strengthen relationship between the SAARC countries. We should, therefore, like to have focused university to university linkages between our countries for mutual capacity building in education, research technology and innovation," Irani said.

Project Mausam is Prime Minister Modi’s answer to China’s charm offensive.
