international broadcasting

New ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie has outlined plans to renew an international expansion into overseas markets like China as part of a “soft power push” to influence Australia’s standing on the world stage. Two years after the controversial Australia Network was shut down because the government did not believe the ABC was meeting its contractual obligations, Ms Guthrie has foreshadowed a new offensive. 

TV just like at home – for millions of Chinese viewers in Europe. The new pay TV platform is going on air today. The service for international communities in Europe is launching with 18 popular Chinese channels. can be received throughout Europe via satellite and internet. An Indonesian TV package featuring seven channels is launching at the same time as the Chinese service. 

The first China-Africa Public Diplomacy Forum opened on Tuesday in the capital of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam. [...] the event discussed building a comprehensive partnership as cooperation between China and Africa are cementing in various fields. Much room exists for China and Africa to explore public diplomacy, especially media service cooperation.

Cuba International Network (CIN) recently became the first U.S. company authorized to set up shop in Cuba to provide equipment and personnel there to support the production of broadcasting, television, and filming of video content for consumption in the U.S. and international markets. This first-of-its-kind service brings vital film and broadcasting capability and services to Cuba with the same standards found in the U.S.

The impact of news media framing on public opinion of the U.S. and Chinese involvement in Africa. 

Digital sites like La Pública in Bolivia, El Pitazo in Venezuela and global site Rising Voices are establishing relationships with low-income, rural and indigenous communities. The idea is to produce their own news agendas different from those of traditional media. The sites give voice to community problems and support the creation of media that come from the communities.

An FBI probe will tell us more about the current email intrusion, although it will take time before we know exactly who (and if Russia) is potentially behind hacking into the DNC's network. But one thing is certain: The Russians have been perfecting the art of manipulating information in recent years to sway public opinion within Russia and around the world in the hopes of building up the stature of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

July 25, 2016
