
Three fundamental and one extraneous force are currently colliding in our region. Each of these forces has its own agenda and because none of them is truly dominant, the end result is a clash rather than competition.

Minister of Culture and Islamic Guidance Ali Jannati says that the best way to fight against Iranophobia and Shiaphobia is the clever usage of Iran’s soft power.

Officials from Iran and China in a meeting in Beijing agreed to strengthen cooperation between the two Asian nations in the field of media and public diplomacy.

Can the pianist Yanni do what negotiations between U.S. and Iranian diplomats have failed to accomplish: bring a little harmony to two nations that have been adversaries for 35 years?

An overwhelming majority of the Israeli public values the country’s relations with the United States, regards Washington as a loyal ally and believes that America will come to Israel’s aid against existential threats. But only a minority says that President Obama has a positive attitude towards Israel and most Israelis believe that his policies have weakened America’s position in the Middle East.

After failing to reach their own deadline for a comprehensive nuclear agreement, the world’s major powers and Iran settled for an extended truce that avoids the hard political choices that neither Washington nor Tehran could make.

As the United States and other powers negotiate down to the wire on a nuclear deal with Iran, one voice has been unusually quiet - the main pro-Israel lobby in Washington.

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry insisted Thursday that the six-power group negotiating with Iran is “not discussing an extension.” “We are negotiating to try and get an agreement. It’s that simple,” he told reporters in Paris before he left for Vienna to join the nuclear talks.
