
The statement came from the head of the cultural center of the Iranian embassy in Azerbaijan Ibrahim Ibrahimi speaking at the press conference in Baku. According to Ibrahimi, they put forward a proposal for joint action of national orchestras of Iran and Azerbaijan in both countries as well as in other countries. "I hope that in this connection the contract will be signed by the end of the year", he said. 

State Department official hails both Iran and US volleyball teams

Watch this video of the U.S. State Department and USA Volleyball's efforts to bring Team Iran to the United States.

"The contents of the MoU include broadening of scientific and cultural relations, preparing the grounds for cooperation between the two countries' scientific and cultural bodies and holding joint scientific, literary and research conferences," the Iranian cultural attaché told reporters in Dushanbe on Wednesday.

Dear Iranian Negotiators: Some of you may remember me from the time I served on the American delegation to the nuclear talks.  Although I left the U.S. Government over a year ago, I try to follow the negotiations closely, and I have been impressed by the determination and professionalism that you – as well as the Americans and indeed all the parties – have brought to the table.

The Middle East is in turmoil and increasingly there is a need for the two regional powers, Iran and Saudi Arabia, to mend their differences in an effort to address urgent regional security matters. There is no denying that the Arab-Persian rivalry and sectarian divide is deep-rooted and will require serious dialogue and engagement to be rectified. 

Besides centrifuges, uranium enrichment, and sanctions, this month the State Department turned to sets, digs, and spikes in diplomatic efforts with Iran. Samuel Werberg, a press and public diplomacy officer in the U.S. State Department, invoked the spirit of Jesse Owens to tout the Obama administration's latest installment of sports diplomacy...

The diplomatic impasse between the United States and Iran is officially broken after thirty-four years of mutual recriminations and mistrust. The need for a reinvigorated U.S. public diplomacy is essential to forge a new relationship based on respect, understanding, and shared political, social, and economic interests. “Gangnam Style” public diplomacy is a simultaneous multiplatform approach to information sharing and engagement that utilizes various programs to stimulate people-to-people connections based on culture, education, and business.

The same diplomatic maneuvering is practiced in any series of international negotiations, but in this case, the fog of diplomacy was more dense than usual. One reason is that the Obama administration felt that it had to manage the public discourse about the negotiations in the United States to avoid losing control of public opinion to the pro-Israeli right in Congress.
