
Tehran has in recent years focused seriously on developing ties with the neighboring countries, including the Republic of Azerbaijan which enjoys various commonalties with Iran in religious, historical and cultural fields.

During the meeting in the Iranian capital today, Head of the Islamic Culture and Relations Organization Abuzar Ebrahimi Torkman and Polish Deputy Culture Minister Monica Smullen explored avenues for reinvigorating and bolstering mutual cooperation in different cultural areas.

A delegation of Iranian officials paid a quiet visit to the United States this week to meet with corporate leaders and a senior State Department representative at a business forum in Pittsburgh on Tuesday.

U.S. President Barack Obama has recited Persian poetry in his efforts to engage Iran, as has State Department Persian language spokesman Alan Eyre, who frequently uses poetry in his media appearances and video messages to Iranians.

Western governments will reluctantly consider an extension of negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program should world powers fail to clinch a comprehensive deal by November 24 – a move Israel would support, sources told The Jerusalem Post this week.

Mexican Ambassador to Tehran Ulises Canchola Gutierrez underlined that Iran's eye-catching historical monuments, natural attractions and proper tourism infrastructures have persuaded him to call on his country's relevant officials to pave the ground for the further promotion of tourism ties with Iran.

Talks over Iran's nuclear programme might be extended if disagreement over remaining issues cannot be resolved by a November deadline, Iran's top negotiator was quoted as saying on Friday, in the first hint an extension was being contemplated.

If reaching a permanent agreement by next month’s deadline proves impossible, the West must lock in the status-quo.
