
Elaine Mahon, a doctoral student at the Dublin Institute of Technology, has published a new article. Her piece, "'Ireland on a Plate’: Curating the 2011 State Banquet for Queen Elizabeth II," appeared in Volume 18, Issue 4 of the M/C Journal of Media and Culture. The piece, which is part of a larger research project into Irish gastronomy and gastrodiplomacy, explores the notion of “diplomatic dining” at the 2011 state banquet.
Bord Bia's Origin Green programme is the theme of Ireland's pavilion at Expo Milan 2015. The theme of the international exhibition is "Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life".
Hundreds of baby vests and T-shirts have been placed on a beach in Dublin this week, with each one representing a child who died during the 50-day conflict between Gaza and Israel last year. The installation was made by a group of artists who wanted to remember the children killed in the war last summer.
lIn a world fraught with local, national and international fissures, animosities, and violent conflict, the Republic of Ireland stands far above the fray as a stellar example of how a country's verve for the written and spoken word can undergird the conduct of its foreign policy. Simply said, Dublin's adroit use of public diplomacy is a lesson for those who are wedded to an overweening dependency on military, political, and economic prowess as the sole instruments to promote and protect national interests.

Just after Bloomsday, a celebration of Ireland's public diplomacy.

Paul Rockower surveys and samples the pavilions in Milan.
Friday is International Day of Francophonie. Ireland ranks high in Europe for use of French but we must not lose this language link between the two countries. French is not only the language of arts, culture and diplomacy, it is another language of business.