Teaching at the 2016 CPD Summer Institute on Public Diplomacy, publications on U.S. policy in the Middle East, and research on digital diplomacy.
Dor Elidan, a polite 16-year-old sporting a short Mohawk, admits that he doesn't know enough about politics to form an opinion on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – but that he felt "privileged" to write an algorithm that is now being used by the Israeli government to hit back at anti-Semitism and enemies of the state online. The code is part of a platform that boosts positive social media posts, photos, news reports and opinion articles that promote Israel.
The international community could actually take a lesson out of the Iran example. [...] Even Iran’s allies such as Russia and China joined hands with the U.S. and Britain to build a global pressure regime which eventually worked in forcing Tehran to compromise. What was one of the most contentious global issues till a few years ago was settled amicably in a rare case of the triumph of public diplomacy.
World powers meeting here said on Friday they would develop a package of economic and security incentives in the coming months to push Israel and the Palestinians to make peace, after months of violence that has left officials fearing that the two sides are primed for another full-scale conflict. Top diplomats from 26 nations said they would work to organize an international conference before the end of the year.
A center for children of African migrants and asylum seekers in south Tel Aviv, were all smiles this week as they received an unexpected surprise. The Diplomatic Spouses of Israel (DSI), a group of some 170 spouses of accredited diplomats from more than 50 countries, together with internationally renowned artists Max Levi Frieder and Joel Bergner of Artolution, joined the children to paint a symbolic mural and beautify the kindergarten.
Moshe Arens, a renowned Israeli politician and aeronautical engineer, received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his impact on Israel through diplomacy and dedicated public diplomacy efforts on behalf of the country.
States should use the increasing power of social media networks and work with them to achieve foreign policy objectives. [...] However, there is much more room for states to cooperate with social media rather than seeing it as an enemy. Instead, there are ample opportunities to use social media’s features, low costs and high effectiveness as tools to promote a state’s foreign policy objectives.
Rather than encouraging people to tear up the dance floor or smoke weed, the singer-songwriter hopes his new tune, “Begin Again,” will inspire peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Lawrence’s song is one of 30 original compositions on the benefit album “2 Unite All,” which was released last month. The album enlists legendary talents like Roger Waters and Peter Gabriel to deliver music with themes of unity, forgiveness, and starting over.