
The phrase “Israelhates” had been tagged onto enough posts on Twitter that the message had become a worldwide trend topic. To combat that message of hate, Jewish Agency's social media head counters anti-Israel trend on Twitter with a message of love.

For too long, Israel’s public diplomacy has pussy-footed around the question of Jewish refugees. Ron Prosor’s explicit mention of Jewish refugees from Arab countries represents a more pro-active approach by the Israeli Foreign Ministry.

November 25, 2011

The ongoing conflict between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East is one of the more intractable conflicts of our times - but, by looking at the conflict through the eyes of two outsiders, film director Peter Kosminsky hopes to tell the human story behind the bloody headlines and failed peace talks.

"When we go to another country solving their water problems, it’s the best public diplomacy," says businessman Ronald Lauder.

Abbas, perhaps remembering these history lessons, apparently came to the conclusion that the status quo needed to be shaken up. To his credit he did not chose a violent option for this action. Abbas’s goal of going to the UN was to peacefully shake things up.

Hasbara is a form of propaganda aimed at an international audience, primarily, but not exclusively, in western countries. It is meant to influence the conversation in a way that positively portrays Israeli political moves and policies, including actions undertaken by Israel in the past.

November 13, 2011

However, the fact that Israel’s president Shimon Peres now calls military action “more and more likely” suggests that, regardless of the eventual decision, Israel has embarked on a public diplomacy campaign intended to seize international attention.

Given that so many American groups, from Christian evangelicals and the American Jewish community to the oil lobby, have a position on the U.S.-Israel relationship, it’s hardly surprising the issue generates heated emotions that tend to make the subject impervious to analysis. This affects American decision-making and public diplomacy
