media diplomacy
Look out, mainland China: Batman, cloaked in the cause of Hong Kong independence, is coming to get you, along with the cast of 2012's special-effects filled, genre-busting summer extravaganza Cloud Atlas.
Amid mounting criticism of its actions against Ukraine, Moscow is stepping up efforts to repair its image and make its voice heard in Europe, with Russian-funded think tanks and media on the ground working hard to woo Europeans.
just 31 minutes before the onset of Shabbat in Jerusalem and less than 24 hours after the Palestinians succeeded in upgrading their status at the UN, a senior diplomatic source sent out a text message to diplomatic reporters saying Israel “had decided to approve the building of 3,000 housing units in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria.

A compilation of Chinese public diplomacy pieces.

CPD has published a compilation of its blogs, PDiN Monitor articles, CPD Perspectives essays and other material on China and Public Diplomacy as its first eBook. Contents include pieces on China's Public Diplomacy, Cultural Diplomacy, the Shanghai Expo 2010 and China in the News originally published by CPD between October 2009 and August 2012.