
May 21, 2011

Chennai’s The Musalman is the last handwritten Urdu paper... The Ministry of External Affairs’ Public Diplomacy Division released on YouTube an 11-minute film on The Musalman... Dutta hopes that when the film is shown in Arab countries and Europe it will generate support.

US President Barack Obama says the US has opened a "new chapter" in diplomacy after the Arab Spring uprisings People in countries across the Middle East have been giving the BBC their reactions to his speech.

Hardly anyone would dispute the claim that Haim Saban cares deeply about Israel. After all, the Egyptian-born Israeli-American media mogul has admitted to the New York Times, “I’m a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel.”

May 20, 2011

Then why do media in Turkey have similar problems to those in the West when it comes to the perception of Arabs, even though the country is predominantly Muslim? Again poor knowledge and a lack of information would be the immediate answer.

Qadhafi “blames the international media, activists, and journalists for the uprising and holds them responsible if the uprising continues to increase,” and particularly recognizes the Internet’s role in organizing the initial demonstrations on February 15th.

Despite the fears of some Americans, Arab television networks such as Al Jazeera do not promote anti-American feelings among all their viewers, according to a new study. Research based on surveys... suggests that while watching networks like Al Jazeera fuels anti-American feelings in some viewers, it actually reduces such sentiment in others.

The rapid political and social changes sweeping the region has transformed the media here... Egypt’s Minister of Culture Emad Abu Ghazi said in his keynote address: “Today’s new media has helped bring about social changes, acting as a tool in the hands of the youth.”

The study also revealed that Arab media was helping to define the issue for Westerners and was expected to be more open and free. It also highlighted that people in the West view Arabs more favourably and ascribed recent activism to familiar aspirations.
