
The invitation, sent from an official Tel Aviv University email account, invites recipients who may be interested... to attend a meeting about a new Israeli student initiative... “which aspires to act for the good of the branding and public diplomacy of Israel on university campuses abroad, which are strongholds of anti-Israeli actions.”

Comprised of theory and practice, Zhao's book is full of thought-provoking experiences and ideas about how the general public can explain a "true China" to the world – so-called public diplomacy – in addition to case studies from the author's own experience.

Watched annually by more than 100 million people, Eurovision is the world's most-watched non-sporting event. Although viewership in Britain and Ireland has declined for several years, the backlash against Eurovision may finally be changing on the British Isles.

Take a look at Barack Obama’s 2009 speech in Cairo.... The beautiful words were seen to have been built on air, not on a foundation of policy. Arabs are a tough audience. They’ve heard it all before: blueprints, roadmaps, promises about this and that. And yet nothing ever seemed to change…until they took matters into their own hands.

CPD Director Philip Seib, along with several other media experts, will be participating in the 10th Arab Media Forum in Dubai, UAE.

PressReader gives them instant access to more than 1,800 full-content digital replicas of newspapers and magazines from 94 countries, often before they hit the newsstands in their local markets. Already, PressReader has proved to be an invaluable tool as the students learn about foreign societies and cultures, and read their local newspapers to understand how world events are perceived and interpreted abroad.

The "Arab Spring" that's swept the Middle East over the last few months has brought to prominence a new news source: Al Jazeera English. The fortunes of AJE got a boost when U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sang its praises in a Senate committee hearing...

The Malaysian External Trade Development Corporation (Matrade) must be lauded for popularising Malaysian food through its much-publicized Malaysian Kitchen Programme which has entered into its second year... The response to Malaysia's Kitchen Programme in the New York/New Jersey region has been quite positive...
