
China's Ambassador to Pakistan Sun Weidong, a number of media persons from both China and Pakistan, strategists, academicians, diplomats and foreign relation experts attended the forum to discuss media potentials to further promoting relations between the two countries.

March 26, 2015

Global communications scholars Kaarle Nordenstreng and Daya Kishan Thussu have published a new book Mapping BRICS Media, a comprehensive anthology that analyzes the impact of of BRICS media on the 21st century global media and communications landscape.

March 17, 2015

Papers say global celebrations of the Chinese New Year reflect the country's growing prominence in the world. The Lunar New Year, also known as The Spring Festival, is one of the most important occasions in China. The New Year celebrations, which started on Thursday, will continue for two weeks.

Newspapers all over the world were unanimous in praising the legacy of reforms and peace-making efforts by the late King Abdullah. All noted his efforts at giving Saudi women a greater role in society by having better educational and professional opportunities, and highlighted the fact that he extended the right to vote to women.

During the next training the young diplomats were trained on the topics as leadership skills, effective communication, teamwork, negotiation skills, proper management of the business meetings, oratory, as well as current trends in public diplomacy, building relationships with the media and Azerbaijani studies.

There is a disconnect between China’s growing national power and the international image of the Chinese people.
