music diplomacy

Russia has been doing its best to suppress American influence here, but somehow it must have managed to overlook a woman in a bright red dress, with a commanding voice, operating on behalf of the U.S. State Department.

The latest weapon in this country’s ideological war with Iran arrived in an armada of jets from California, accompanied by a private security force, dazzling pyrotechnics and a wardrobe that consisted of sequins and not much else.

AN American musician, Leon Mobley says cultural exchange programmes are vital among artistes because they enrich culture. Mobley, who was in the country to hold workshops with Zambian musicians, said sharing experiences helps musicians learn from each other and develop their mind with new ideas.

The Geneva International Cultural Exchange Committee invites the public to join them as they welcome their next cultural exchange with our sister city Croissy-sur-Seine, France. A delegation of 20 of which six are from the Rive Droite/Rive Gauche Swing Band will be coming to Geneva on Wednesday, Oct. 10.

Envisaged as a cultural exchange between Australia and Serbia, this recital put Ensemble Liaison's Australian-born members, clarinettist David Griffiths and pianist Timothy Young, on stage with two Serbian-born artists: the group's resident cellist, Svetlana Bogosavljevic and guest violinist, Nemanja Radulovic.

The American Music Abroad program sends American bands overseas to engage with audiences and communities, especially underserved youth. The program builds on Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton’s vision of “smart power,” which embraces the full range of diplomatic tools, including music, to engage people and create opportunities for greater understanding.

Tom Carter... felt it was appropriate to honor Albright and “highlight the role of jazz as a diplomatic tool” in the same year that the institute worked with UNESCO to establish the first International Jazz Day. “Madeleine understands the importance of jazz not only as an art form but as a means of bringing people together around the world,” Carter said in a telephone interview.
