national identity
The nation brand logo is not a new logo for the government, but instead a promotional logo for the UAE that shall be used to tell its story through numerous applications such as national advertisements, regional and international promotional events, TV shows, printed materials, etc.
NAMIBIA must change its country brand, currently flawed with stereotypes, narrow perceptions and cliches, to a bold, multi-layered one which will allow it to compete on a global stage. "Namibia's brand can never be a brand like KFC or McDonald's," Gordon Cook of the National Brand Navigator for South African brand leadership school Vega said at the annual general meeting of Team Namibia on Wednesday.
Some players in the tourism industry are of the opinion that Namibia’s branding and slogan as a tourism destination are neither representative, nor are they very effective. “‘Endless Horizons’ – does it actually represent Namibia’s unique essence?” asked London-based Hidden Gem PR Director, Rinaani Musutua.
Branding of a country is determined more by its value systems and governance principles. I was in Rwanda last week after one year. Every time I visit the country I observe a number of positive things that we Kenyans have not succeeded in achieving over the years.
If South Africa could rebrand itself, there is no reason why Zimbabwe cannot and I am not talking about some socialist- sounding acronym or slogan. This calls for a change in mindset and approach.
Soft power is a slippery term to define. How can we know for certain the motives of an actor?... Nonetheless, despite the challenge in defining the term it is clear for nearly all commentators that the concept refers to relations between nations and peoples – that is, soft power is a matter of national image building on the international stage.
In his second Sporting Chances programme Farayi Mungazi focuses on the common image of Australia as a sporting nation. He looks at the role of sport in shaping the country's national identity and asks whether sporting success will always be part of Australia's soft power.