new technology

Five months ago Sweden went viral on the social web through its initiative Curators of Sweden. A new Swede takes over the country's official Twitter account @sweden every week to share anything Swedish...the initiative is regarded a global success

President Barack Obama in his Nowruz address to the Iranian people coined the term “electronic curtain” to describe the lack of access to online information in Iran.Now, the United States government has launched a campaign based upon the phrase.

April 12, 2012

Four decades ago, the US Department of Defense created the Internet; today, by most accounts, the US remains the leading country in terms of its military and societal use. But greater dependence on networked computers and communication leaves the US more vulnerable to attack...

This issue also adds a layer of complexity for foreign governments with digital diplomacy and public diplomacy programs that use social media. They will need to develop an understanding of the meanings and context of hashtags as they evolve and to understand how words may be played with and what the use of former colonial languages may be signalling, if anything.

Voices of the next generation will have the chance to participate in an exclusive global conversation with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon via a Google+ Hangout from the United Nations headquarters...Youths from Europe, Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Middle East, and the United States will be able to ask questions on issues that matter to them.

Social media has enabled citizen journalists with the ability to create and distribute content across the globe. It allowed millions of strangers to unite behind the cause of greater freedom and economic opportunity and organize mass demonstrations...

The Association of Public Diplomacy Scholars at USC has their annual conference tomorrow, April 6, 2012. The conference will provide a discussion on new technologies and emerging actors in the amorphous “thing” sometimes called public diplomacy.

The Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and the Foreign Ministry have introduced a new field in diplomacy called “science diplomacy,” in which Turkey will be assigning “science attachés” to technologically developed countries.
