new technology

In an event held as part of the first ever US-organised Press Freedom Day (PFD) conference, UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova said press freedom is vital for human development and security across the globe, adding that violations to fundamental human rights cannot go unanswered.

When the $650 million West Africa Cable System landed in South Africa last week, it was a major step forward for a region that remains one of the least-connected in the world. With one East African sea cable connecting South Africa with high-speed Internet systems in Asia and the Middle East, and now a second sea cable connecting southern Africa with West Africa and Europe, South Africa's capacity of mobile phone networks and Internet networks will double.

The Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles, an official diplomatic office of the government of Israel, has launched a new public diplomacy initiative to utilize tablet and e-reader devices to streamline the distribution of books and official documents.

The Arab Uprising has shaken the way we understand politics, communications and public diplomacy. Social media may have played a role in the unrest, but pretending that the uprising is a social media revolution is as imaginary as the existence of the Empress of Mancha.

The Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles, an official diplomatic office of the government of Israel, has begun a new public diplomacy initiative to utilize e-readers and other tablet devices to streamline the distribution of books and official documents.

The United States will provide Pakistan with 85 small "Raven" drone aircraft, a U.S. military official told Reuters on Thursday, a key step to meeting Islamabad's calls for access to U.S. drone technology.

The U.S. State Department is set to announce $28 million in grants to help Internet activists, particularly in countries where the governments restrict e-mail and social networks such as those offered by Facebook Inc., Twitter Inc. and Google Inc.

The soft-launch ceremony of the first-ever mobile newspaper in sub-Saharan Africa, Xinhua Mobile Newspaper, is held on Tuesday in Nairobi, Kenya, which enables about 17 million Kenyan mobile subscribers to receive news from China’s Xinhua News Agency via Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS).
