new technology

During her visit to Los Angeles, Coordinator McCall will visit the University of Southern California’s Stevens Institute for Innovation, Center for Public Diplomacy, and Annenberg Innovation Lab to meet leading thinkers and directors who are creating web and mobile applications at the intersection of entertainment, gaming, technology, and academia.

Indian diplomacy is set to make friends and woo youngsters by joining the social networking platform. The latest entrant to join Facebook is the Indian embassy in Kathmandu, one of the biggest Indian missions abroad...

Just weeks after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton complained to Congress that America is losing the information war against Al Qaeda, China and Russia, it appears that Clinton’s own State Department is one of the impediments to success.

April 6, 2011

If anyone was underestimating the spread of these tools it only took the social media-infused revolutions in Tunisia and Egypt a few months later to spell out how wired the world has become and how unpredictable the uses of social media will be. For public diplomacy practitioners it served as a reminder...

Two weeks ago, students from the Adobe Youth Voices Peapod Academy in Redwood City, California participated in a virtual exchange with AYV & iEARN students in Pakistan. The event, one of the first in a campaign spearheaded by iEARN to connect classrooms around the globe, has had a lasting impact on students in California...

"21st Century Media: New Frontiers, New Barriers" is this year's theme of the World Press Freedom Day. It also marks the 20th anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration for the promotion of free and pluralistic media.

On Thursday, Larry Klayman, a Washington, D.C., lawyer, sued Facebook and Mark Zuckerber for $1 billion in damages. Facebook's offense? Failing to shut down the "Third Intifada" Facebook page sooner than it did.

In the turbulent center of the Venn diagram involving President Obama's multilateral foreign policy, open government mandates, and Middle-East unrest is Alec Ross, the Senior Advisor for Innovation to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
