
Romania ranks 15th in a world top on soft power, an indicator measuring the ability of a state to influence the actions of others through persuasion or attraction, rather than coercion, by means of values like culture, personalities, institutions and policies, according to a study made by the audit and consulting company Ernst&Young

And what better year to promote the advantages of British-made products than 2012, which is exactly what the people at kitchen appliance company Stoves thought when they decided to launch their Made in Britain campaign.

Through such platforms as overseas visits by Chinese leaders, receiving visits to China by foreign leaders, the Beijing Olympic Games and Shanghai World Expo, we engaged in dynamic public and cultural diplomacy...and showed to the rest of the world a China that is culturally-advanced, democratic, open and making continuous progress.

A group of senior U.S. coaches and sports administrators will visit Afghanistan in February to conduct training and mentoring for Afghan sports officials as part of a sports diplomacy effort co-sponsored by the International Security Assistance Force and the U.S. Embassy.

An expansion of youth sports programs nationwide and the potential for future training opportunities for Afghan athletes and coaches are among the benefits of a developing partnership between the national Olympic committees of the United States and Afghanistan, and other U.S. sports associations, officials said.

Brand strategist Peter Economides knows about taking brands at their lowest ebb and turning them into world-beaters. He was part of the team that helped create Apple’s “Think Different” campaign in 1997. ....Economides believes that Greece is at the point where an inspired and properly managed rebranding campaign could turn it into the “Apple of the Mediterranean.”

A striking achievement in sports diplomacy had also been the final relocation of the headquarters of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa (ANOCA) from Yaounde in Cameroun to Abuja.

As the government slowly ousts the traffickers and regains the upper hand — part of an organized cleanup ahead of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro — companies are starting to understand that there is cash in what was once chaos. Taking products, services and jobs back into the pacified favelas is the latest challenge facing a city hoping to reverse decades of neglect as it prepares to host not just the Olympics but also the soccer World Cup final in 2014.
