presidential election

Even if Trump loses the presidency, the damage to U.S. image abroad remains.
International summits are typically stiff, orchestrated affairs where even loosening a tie can seem like a radical breach of protocol. [...] Over pizza, cookies and games that involved M&Ms and stories about their favorite childhood toys, a group of 15 student leaders from Finland and 16 student government leaders at Gaithersburg High School met Tuesday to share experiences and explore differences for teenagers in the two countries.
Seeing U.S. soldiers cooperate with the PKK's Syrian wing, the PYD, while the PKK was killing Turkish soldiers, will have serious long-term challenges for U.S. public diplomacy in Turkey
Mexican officials, concerned about negative impressions of Mexico in the United States, have been rolling out a strategy to improve the image of their country and show how the relationship between the two nations has been of “mutual benefit," [...] The strategy includes “cultural diplomacy,” grass-roots activism and the deployment of Mexican community...
More people around the world know about the offensive remarks made by Trump who tweets. That is why this election campaign has undermined America’s plan to promote democracy abroad, through persuasion or by force. If Trump becomes the President, America’s public diplomacy campaigns will become even less credible.

Markos Kounalakis on whether America could elect a woman as president.
If Trump became president, “it would at the very least create confusion and carries the risk of triggering a major turning point for the Japan-US alliance and Japan’s overall diplomacy”, Maeshima said.
Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders on Friday morning announced a visit to the Vatican next week to attend a conference on social, economic and environmental issues.