public diplomacy

Talks over Iran's nuclear programme might be extended if disagreement over remaining issues cannot be resolved by a November deadline, Iran's top negotiator was quoted as saying on Friday, in the first hint an extension was being contemplated.

Pakistani teenager and Indian children’s rights activist beat Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning, the Pope and Vladimir Putin to the prestigious prize 

In 2014, the trend has continued with the Federal Government eviscerating its publicly funded overseas television service, Australia Network, which targeted its broadcasts to Asia. News reports this month suggest ABC Radio & Television's news presence in New Delhi and Tokyo may be scaled back too.

The US State Department's Center for Strategic Counterterrorism Communications (CSCC) is conducting public diplomacy, not information warfare against the Islamic State (IS) and other terrorist organizations by contesting the space of digital communication and challenging extremist propaganda, the CSCC coordinator told RIA Novosti on Tuesday.

India’s economy could be a catalyst for development if the region can open up.(...) Modi’s foreign policy, like that of many of his predecessors, is greatly reliant on South Asia. India’s role in the larger world has often been constrained by turmoil in its neighborhood. 

Hiram College will form what it calls "non-traditional partnerships among American and Pakistani high schools, universities, local community partners and government agencies," with a grant from the U.S. State Department.

As the new Turkish prime minister, Ahmet Davutoglu is likely to revitalize the role of public diplomacy.

Jakarta needs a strategy that attracts greater ties with countries of the Middle East.
